Independent San Francisco EscortsI personally think that California has the most alluring independent female escorts in the United States. In San Francisco and Los Angeles everywhere you look there are these stunning looking women you would die to meet. This has to be due to many women hoping to make it in Hollywood and find themselves stuck in California. You also have many women who try to make it as models or are models looking to make a few extra dollars. The independent female escorts in San Francisco appear to look fabulous and everything looks great here.
What would you say makes an escort appealing to you? Do you think it is her face, body, personality or something else we didn't list. I enjoy an escort who has a natural beauty to her. I also do enjoy an escort with nice hair because it shows they take care of themselves and take pride in how they look. Add in some sexy clothing, nice jewelry and some sexy nails, I will be acting like an animal. You also must love the attitude and confidence the independent escorts have in San Francisco. This is great and I love to find an escort who is just a ball of energy. Basically you can get a girl of your choosing and just go with your instincts to find the right escort for you.