Montreal Escort Berry

Berry is a 23 year old southern American from the lively country of Brazil. She stands 5'5 with long slim legs and and a well tone physique that demonstrates her athletic shape. Her fitness modeling career keeps her in the gym 5 to 6 days a week. Balancing her modeling, personal training job as well with her part time University course, she is not one to lay around and do nothing!
Brazilian Berry enjoys good dinner conversations, red wine and traveling get-a ways. Unfortunately, these dissipations have to be sacrificed in order to render to her healthy lifestyle schedule. Instead she relishes on fine dinning, mountain hikes, skiing and museum outings . Not to mention late afternoon tea sessions at the Ritz! DONATIONS FOR TWO HOURS SPENT IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LOVELY BRAZILIAN BERRY ARE: $550 CAN ADDITIONAL HOURS: $200 CAN FOUR HOURS DINNER DATE $1,000 CAN Berry is not available for traveling except for modeling purposes. Appointments made while on location can be arranged. Availability is limited due to schedule. But appointments made in advance are easily attainable. To find out more about Berry's travellig plans e-mail her at [email protected].
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