How are you doing? What ever the answer to that question is let me make your day even better. You can tell me all about it when we're face to face.
Now, I must warn you that I'm a very, very bad habit to have. I want to encourage you now NOT to start leaving your job and other responsibilities early just to spend time with me. I'll be here when your schedule has an available spot open in it for me. Promise!
I want to make you very, very happy when we're together. See, when I make you happy I'm even happier and well pleased that I am the source of your happiness. You know how that is don't you? That's the type of girl I am and I can't help myself. See, I'll go beyond the extra mile to make sure you enjoy our time together unlike any one else will.
Long before you even leave you'll start missing me and anticipating our next get away together. I will too! Stop looking at my pictures and call me if you think you can handle me. I'll be waiting!