World Class Female Escorts does not offer or condone sex for money. No advertisements for illegal prostitution are permitted on our website. We are strictly a referral service of escorts based in las vegas. All transactions and arrangements are made solely between the customer and the Escort. If you know any escort on this site that is in violation of any federal state or local laws, please contact us. If you are below 18 years of age or if you find escorts, strippers, bachelor parties, or pictures of nude escorts offensive we require you to leave this site immediatly. By staying on this site or entering further into our pages you release World Class Female Escorts of all liability. By staying on this site or entering further you also agree to all terms and conditions set forth across this entire site. If you have any questions of comments please feel free to contact us. All models featured on this web site were over 18 years of age at the time these images were produced.
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